Friday, November 9, 2012

Things I Love

Maybe you saw on my instagram stream that I am, actually cooking. I just find myself without time to take pictures, write about food, when all the time spent away from work, should be spent on writing my bachelor thesis, still. I have been avoiding writing this thing for way too long, spent hours making cookies and stews and whatever I could think of to get away from facing the only thing I really need to do right now.
I'll be back with new recipes soon, for now I leave you with a short list of things I found on the internet (ahem, procrastination?) that spoke to me.

This poem by Ellen Bass.

This gratitude challenge. I might not be doing it every day, but it still helps me acknowledge the things I am grateful for.

This cookbook. I want to learn more about Japanese cooking and really enjoy this cookbook. The recipes are not something for a weeknight dinner when you are supposed to write a paper, but I really want to try out the pom pom sushi among other things.

Mistakes We Make When Thinking About The Future I just need to stop making these.

This song. And the movie to go with it. Love both.

Craving this salad.And the crazy brain she describes. That is me, too. Struggling to find my place here, to come to terms with what it is I really want out of this one life I've got.


  1. Hey Lena, hang in there. Writing can be painful, I know. A thought that helps me sometimes is that writing a paper, ultimately, isn't supposed to be a performance - it isn't supposed to be about how clever you can show yourself to be. It's a way of making clear to yourself and to others what you think about something. It's a way of finding your way, hopefully, to the truth about something and being able to share that and convince others of it. It's a tall order, but even the trying is worthwhile.

  2. Thanks for sharing that beautiful poem. Actually, I love everything you shared. And that post by Kelsey was so good-- it's funny, because I always forget when I'm going through a period where my brain is a little crazy and can't settle, that almost everyone has some version of a madness in them, too. Take care of yourself, Lena, and good luck with that thesis. Before you know it, it'll be finished and then you'll wonder where the time went. -- "the days are long but the years are short."
